Monday, July 20, 2009

The Begining

The store has been open for over 16 months and we were supposed to be blogging long time ago. But nothing is too late.

One of my best friends, Jeremy, sent me a photo studio set as my birthday gift few weeks ago. He is trying to get me into the photography so I would have the same hobby as he has. But that was not the reason he sent me the gift. It's because he didn't like the pictures we post on the facebook page. He thinks they may disgrace the image of the store and the products we sell. Well, I agree. So now I have to look for a new DSLR camera to do the job. The ones I have are all out dated. Hopefully I will get one soon. After we set up everything, we will post our new collections and the event pictures in this blog on the regular basis. If you have any comments, please let us know. We are looking for readership.

Anyway, this will be a brand new way of communicating for us. We will try our best to keep you entertained.

Thank you!

+ma eyewear

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